We Are AIS.
Advanced Industrial Services’ management team is committed to all aspects of service from short-term jobs to on-going contracts. Our services provide vital contributions to the oil and gas, agricultural, manufacturing, and transportation industries.
Our workforce has experienced, highly capable, and well-respected management and staff. We take pride in step-by-step operations that are run in a professional manner. And, we guarantee customer satisfaction.
Staff Directory
Leslie Knox | 661.837.0477 | lknox@clknoxinc.com |
Lauren Knox Earnest | 661.837.0477 | lauren.knox@clknoxinc.com |
Cole Knox | 432.258.0184 | cknox@clknoxinc.com |
Joe Ramon | 661.837.0477 | jramon@clknoxinc.com |
Chris Uresti | 661.837.0477 | curesti@clknoxinc.com |
Jackie Phillips | 575.909.7252 | jphillips@clknoxinc.com |
Esteven Gonzalez | 661.837.0477 | egonzalez@clknoxinc.com |
David McMahan | 661.837.0477 | dmcmahan@clknoxinc.com |
Abel Gonzalez | 661.837.0477 | agonzalez@clknoxinc.com |
Cary Marsh | 432.227.4641 | cmarsh@clknoxinc.com |
Chris Woodruff | 432.444.3024 | cwoodruff@clknoxinc.com |
Stuart McCreight | 432.438.1937 | smccreight@clknoxinc.com |
Gary Alvidrez | 661.444.5267 | galvidrez@clknoxinc.com |